Before & After School Care


Health & Wellbeing

BB's has a strong focus on children's health and wellbeing. Our new weekly planning has an active component, science and crafts. Also, time each afternoon for 'teambuilding / well-being' activities, as well as our usual free homework sessions.

Click to view a sample overview.



Busy Bumbles takes pride in offering a stimulating programme that caters for the needs, interest and abilities of all primary aged children. We provide age appropriate activities and resources that will allow your child to learn and grow while encouraging higher achievement. Planning and reflection of a high level is done weekly to ensure your child thrives in the activities and games that we organise. Our main priority at all times, is to ensure your child is having loads of fun and enjoying being with us! No activity is compulsory and we constantly seek feedback from the children to make sure we are running a programme that they love.

A typical morning in Before School Care

7.00am - 8.30am

A typical afternoon in After School Care


BreakAway Space Year 5’s and Over

We have a separate area at all venues that is specifically designed and set up to cater for children Year 5 and older. They have a huge array of resources aimed at older children and a separate reward system which is developed in consultation with the children themselves. 

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