Our Locations


Clearview Lemonwood Grove Rolleston Sch Te Rōhutu WhioWest Rolleston 


Burnham   Leeston   Prebbleton  Te Matauru  Templeton  Russley  


Silverstream Mornington Hapori Fairfield Maori Hill Wakari


Specialist Programmes



Pick Up/Drop Off Venues


St Peter Chanel School (Book under St Peter Chanel in the Mornington Hapori activity, based at Mornington School, pick up in pm only)

St Francis Xavier School (Book under St Francis Xavier in the Mornington Hapori activity, based at Mornington School, pick up in pm only)


St Joseph’s School (Book under St Joseph's in the Te Matauru activity, based at Te Matauru School)

Fernside School (Book under Fernside in the Te Matauru activity, based at Te Matauru School)


Please note: Your child will need to be dropped to the onsite venue (Te Matauru) in the mornings, and then we will deliver them to their school for their school day. Then your child will be picked up from their school and taken to the onsite venue for their care, and you will collect from here.


If you have any queries - please do not hesitate to call us on 347 3031 or email: opsmanager@busybumbles.co.nz


Busy Bumbles Head Office


Unit 56, 128 Hoskyns Road, Rolleston, Ph 03 347 3031 

The office is open Monday - Thursday 9.00am - 2.30pm


Any mail should be directed to our PO Box:

PO Box 89


Canterbury 7643


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All Rights Reserved
Website by Activate Design