Mornington Hapori Busy Bumbles


Providing before and after school care for the children of Mornington, St Francis Xavier and St Peter Chanel schools during term time.

We are based in the hall at Mornington School.

Mornington School is located at 34 Elgin Road, Mornington.

Busy Bumbles offers a pick up service from St Francis Xavier School and St Peter Chanel School in the afternoons during term time.

Meeting Spots


St Peter Chanel School:

Children are to meet a SPC school staff member at the school office. The staff member will look after the children until the BB's van arrives to collect them. The BB's staff member walks the children to the van, assists them to get their seatbelts on and drives the van to Mornington School where they assist the children off the van and into the hall to be signed in by the Supervisor.


St Francis Xavier School

Children are to meet a Busy Bumbles staff member at the school library. Once the children have all arrived, the staff member walks the children to the BB's van parked by the church and assists them to get their seatbelts on. The staff member then follows the van to Mornington School, assists the children off the van and walks them into the hall to be signed in by the Supervisor.


Mornington School

Children come to our BB's space for roll call. Children can be met at their classroom by prior arrangement.



Mornington Hapori Supervisor

021 0847 6003





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